There are basically two types of careers in this world; there’s a career where you work for others and a career where you work for yourself. They both have their positives and negatives, so it’s just a matter of which features are more important to you. A career in which you are an employee of a company or some other employer brings with it stability. You have a fixed salary you can rely on, and if it’s a good, full-time job with an established company, there may even be benefits for you and your family like health or dental insurance.
Then there is a career where you work for yourself, which is the way of freelancers and entrepreneurs. In this case, you are the boss, which means you can work when and how you prefer. Of course, this extra control comes with more risk as your income is no longer a fixed amount that comes in every month. How much—or how little—you make is a result of your own work and the factors of the industry you’ve chosen to enter.
Real estate is one of the ways that many people are choosing to work for themselves these days, and if you’re interested in a career change, it’s much easier than before. The rise of the real estate online course has opened up possibilities to more people than ever before. Here is a quick look at some of the top-rated online real estate courses you can sign up for.
Best Online Real Estate Schools For 2022
Why Take A Real Estate Online Course?
In the past, people interested in a career in real estate only had two viable options; either try to learn the trade from an experienced real estate entrepreneur and then attempt to get certified to work in that state, or attend classes. In both cases, this took a substantial amount of time, which could be a problem for people that had family or professional obligations that took understandable priority.
Now, with a real estate online course, the time and location factors are no longer so challenging. The digital nature of a real estate online course means prospective students no longer have to track down an accessible office or class that they can drive down to. Because the class is on the Internet, a real estate online course also doesn’t have a fixed schedule; people no longer have to make sure they have certain hours free during the day or night in order to get the training they want. A real estate online course makes it possible to take in the material on your own schedule, at a pace of your choosing.
Two Deciding Factors
If you’ve thought about it and decided that you would like to take a real estate online course, there are two things that should weigh heavily in choosing a course. The first, and most important, will put the first big limit on how many choices are available to you. It’s all about licensing.
When you decide to get into real estate, you will need to be licensed to operate within a particular state, usually the one you actually live in and will likely want to work in. Selling real estate in Washington state when you live in Oregon will not usually be practical, since you’ll need to be licensed to operate in Oregon. Thus, you can’t just take any real estate online course, you have to make sure that the course will give you the knowledge and materials you need to take the exam for your state’s license. Always check to see if a real estate online course is actually valid for your state of residence.
The second factor is the quality of the school itself, and this affects you personally. Not every real estate online course is good. If you’re making the decision to invest in yourself and a new career, make sure you invest prudently. We have a nuanced, experienced understanding of what actually best serves the needs of up-and-coming real estate entrepreneurs, and what the industry needs to continue growing. We apply that knowledge when we evaluate a real estate online course, to provide professional reviews that let you know whether you’re getting good value for your investment in your real estate online course and your career.
The Success Oriented School
One real estate online course that we like to recommend to many is Colibri Real Estate. It’s important to note that you really need to check to see if this school is compatible with your state of residence, as they serve only 24 of the 50 states in the country. However, if you live in New York, California, Kansas, or one of the other states this real estate online course services, you’re in luck.
The most impressive thing about Colibri Real Estate is its success rate when it comes to students. Approximately 79% of the people taking this course pass their licensing exam on their first try. This is an impressive statistic that is well above industry averages, so for people that want the best chance at succeeding on their licensing exam on the first go, this is a great choice if you happen to live in a state they service.
Reputable & Reliable
The success rate for exams is not the only measure by which a school should go. Just as important as final results are the quality of the education and the reputation of the school itself. This is why Career Webschool is a course we highly recommend. On top of the fact that 44 of the 50 states are serviced by this school, it has a sterling reputation.
This school has an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau, which lends not just commercial legitimacy but a very public acknowledgment of excellence and quality. It means that even people who encounter difficulties with the school and get into a dispute can expect a satisfactory, legal resolution to their issues, while most people can simply take comfort in the fact that this is an honest business with a commitment to quality service. It also has accreditations with the real estate regulatory body known as Arello, and recognition from International Distance Education Certification Center. All of this means potential students have complete financial and professional security, this isn’t a fly-by-night operation that takes money and disappears into the night. This is a school that is recognized professionally, financially, and legally.
Of course, there are many other schools to consider, each one with its own positives and negatives. We recommend taking a look at our in-depth reviews of each of these schools to see which one meets your needs in your state. Making the right choice early on has a big impact on your career prospects.