A part-time real estate agent position is right for a lot of people. It can be flexible yet demanding enough to make the person feel like they are earning their worth. The solution can prove to be a good fit for single parents or folks with full-time jobs just wanting to make subsequent income. The title part-time real estate agent does not mean the person is less qualified than others to buy or sell properties. It just indicates that you have additional stuff going on in your life. Never apologize for the status, but avoid giving people a reason to complain too.
When a person puts forth the effort as a part-time real estate agent, the opportunity can prove to be very profitable. A study by the Bureau for Labor Statistics shows that as of May 2017, the median annual wage of real estate salespeople was $45,990. This amount is decent, but the sky is the limit because of the commission-based pay. Plus, there were 444,100 jobs available in 2016, but between now and 2026, the employment opportunities are expected to grow 6% while producing another 24,900 openings. So, perhaps, there has never been a better time to become a part-time real estate agent. Don’t delay any longer, and instead, start making the change today.
Being a part-time real estate agent doesn’t imply that the service should be less than stellar. Many professionals spend their entire careers only working part-time, so the endeavor is possible. However, that does not mean there will not be challenges along the way. Therefore, salespeople must think outside of the box to make their clients happy and keep themselves sane in the same instance.
This post is full of tips and tricks to help guide any part-time real estate agent on their journey.
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Useful Suggestions For The Part-Time Real Estate Agent
It’s absolutely possible to earn a good income by being a part-time real estate agent, so here are some suggeastions for you to follow if you’re considering becoming a part-time agent.
1. Start Your Career As A Seller’s Agent
Dealing with buyers is often demanding and time-consuming. There are plenty of occasions where salespeople have to drive purchasers around from place to place for days, weeks, and sometimes even months before they find the perfect home. This can cause scheduling issues for a part-time real estate agent. Beginning with sellers allows the individual to learn the ins and outs of the selling process. It also gives them some insight into what buyers want or are looking for in a property. Experience is an aspect that helps people succeed in this business, so take the less troublesome route and learn all that you can by starting out with sellers.
2. Give Clients More Than One Way To Reach You
Part-time real estate agents, or full-time ones for that matter, need to be available to their clients. After all, if they can’t get in touch with them, they won’t put up with the antics for long. So, don’t leave anything to chance when your livelihood is at stake. Instead, have multiple modes of communication such as email and text as well as calls. It is a good idea even to set up an automated reply system. The message can acknowledge the customer’s request and assure them that you will reply quickly.
3. Promote By Creating A Unique Brand
Standing out from other salespeople should be a strategy of every part-time real estate agent. Make sure that your business cards have a professional look but come up with a unique slogan to put on it that is catchy and rememberable too. Consider joining the National Association of Realtors. This association may not be right for everyone because they will have to attend so many meeting per year as designated by their local chapter. Only members of the NAR are allowed to use the title “Realtor” though. So, this element alone could give you a leg up on the competition as many buyers and sellers look for agents with the designation.
4. Part-Time Real Estate Agents Need To Stay Organized
Most of the time, new clients need and deserve a little extra attention. Part-time real estate agents can utilize their smartphones to save these patrons into their contact list. This action will allow you to differentiate their call from others. The last thing anyone wants to be doing is trying to keep track of hundreds of documents either. Plus, papers can get lost or misplaced easily, then, you will be up the creek without a paddle. Hence, it is a good idea to use an app or program to set up an electronic filing system. Pick one that is able to sync with your mobile device so that you can find things while on the run.
5. Put Some Money Back Whenever You Can
Licenses are valid for different lengths of time depending on which state issues them. It usually ranges from 2 to 4 years. Before it expires, the licensee has to take continuing education courses and pay the appropriate fees. Because paydays can be so sporadic in the real estate game, financial hardships can arise. If a person is running late or cannot renew for whatever reason, most states provide a grace period to complete the tasks. However, most of them do not allow individuals to legally partake in activities that require a license until they get everything taken care of, so save some money when you can to prevent such issues from occurring.
Due to paychecks sometimes being far and few between, having some savings can help get you through the rough patches. There is no telling when unforeseen expenses will pop up. So, whether a person is a full-time or part-time real estate agent, they need to handle their business appropriately to keep financial difficulties at bay. With any luck, these tips and tricks will assist you in your endeavors. If a person still has questions or concerns, they should feel free to check out additional articles on our website’s blog. There plenty of useful tidbits, resources, and more to support agents, brokers, and everyone.