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The 4 Best Real Estate Investor CRM Programs

Last updated on November 14, 2021

The 4 Best Real Estate Investor CRM

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Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is worth the investment for real estate investors. 

Gone are the days where you manually input and manage client databases in spreadsheets. No more difficult keeping track of leads and clients, too. 

We all know how competitive it is in the real estate industry. So with the help of a CRM, you are more confident, stable, and trustworthy to clients. 

Today, we’ll be talking about the 4 best real estate investor CRM to look into. This way, you’ll know which one is the best suit for YOU. 

Plus, we’ll also talk about the importance of CRM to real estate investors, as well as some tips on choosing the perfect one. 

There’s a lot to cover, so let’s get started straight away!

Importance of a CRM for Real Estate Investors

As a real estate investor, you deal with tons of tasks, client information, and data. Having a centralized platform to organize and store these data is vital. 

This is where the CRM software comes in. 

You can easily keep track of clients, reply to inquiries with automated texts or emails, send newsletters, and so much more. 

Plus, CRM software helps you save more time on high-value tasks and lets you focus on closing client deals and keeping your pipeline full.

The 4 Best CRM Software for Real Estate Investors

Now that you know the importance of a CRM, let’s talk about the 4 best CRM software in the market for real estate investors. 

These are:

Let’s get into the details. 

1. Zoho

Zoho CRM

Zoho has one of the most advanced CRM solutions in the market. Features include team collaboration, predictive sales, automated emails, built-in campaigns, and many more.

To accommodate the needs of every real estate investor, Zoho makes it easy to customize. 

It uses artificial intelligence called Zia to calculate workflow efficiency, study your usage pattern, and suggest when to contact clients.  

Zoho has a free trial edition where users can access documents, leads, and mobile apps. The professional version will give you access to Zia AI, multi-user portals, Canvas, and CommandCenter.

2. SyndicationPro

The 4 Best Real Estate Investor CRM Syndication Pro

SyndicationPro is the best CRM designed for multifamily syndication deals. It mainly focuses on building and managing relationships.

You can communicate within the platform, track emails, send out mass emails, and get notified of tasks and reminders. With SyndicationPro, you will have a centralized platform for important documents, contact information, and investment activities. 

You can integrate over 2000 external applications like Trello, Google Sheets, FB leads, and other apps that are part of your operational workflow. 

If you want to experience its features, you can book a demo

3. DealMachine

Deal Machine

Do you want to take your relationship management to the next level? With the help of DealMachine, real estate investors can close more deals.

Just like other CRM software, you will be able to organize and store important data and information in one platform.

What’s more, you can seamlessly integrate and customize REI tools without needing to hire a developer. Some features include a marketing calendar, ROI tracker, skip tracing, and direct mail marketing. 

4. Copper

The 4 Best Real Estate Investor CRM Copper

If you’re using Google Workspace as part of your workflow, Copper will be handy for you. You can easily customize your pipeline, manage tasks and reminders, and integrate with several apps.

You can also manage your listings, communicate with clients, manage your calendar, or add notes using their mobile app for Android and iOS.

Tips on Choosing the Best CRM

The most common mistake of first-time CRM buyers is focusing on a vendor’s different features and functionality instead of prioritizing what they need. 

Once you recognize what your business needs, your choices will narrow down and you’ll be able to invest in CRM software that will help you grow.

Here are some of the areas you need to consider when choosing CRM software:

Know the Features You Need

Every business is unique when it comes to growth dynamics, processes, and customer base. 

Therefore, committing to a basic or standard CRM is not a wise decision. You need to be specific with the functions and features that will be useful to you. 

First-time CRM buyers often choose the one with lots of functions and features. But, why would you pay for something you don’t need?

Another thing to consider is to choose a CRM software that can easily be upgraded as your business grows.

Integrates with Other Softwares

This should be on your priority list when choosing a CRM. it will be more expensive and less convenient if you need to buy another software for your business. 

So, for best results, your CRM software should be able to integrate with an accounting system, HR software, billing platforms, and your website to import and export information. 

If you’re transferring to a new CRM software, make sure that you can seamlessly migrate your contact data into the new platform. 

Easy to Customize

No business is the same, that’s why your CRM software should be customizable according to your needs. 

Research on Vendor Reviews

Of course, the vendor of your CRM software should be reliable. In case you have an issue with the software, they should have helpful and responsive customer support.

Taking time to read about customer experience will influence your decision. With a reputable and reliable CRM vendor, you will be able to maximize your software and receive world-class support and service.

Consider Your Budget

The cost of the CRM software will depend on your subscription plan. Affordable CRM solutions are those that are cloud-based.

It’s a wise decision to start with free CRM software to kickstart your business. Then, later on, you can upgrade your subscription plan as your operation grows. 

Take Advantage of Free Trials or Demos

Most reliable CRM software offers free trials. It’s always wise to try the software’s features to ensure that it satisfies your needs.

You’ll be able to grasp how the system works and its pros and cons. It’s important to evaluate its features, ease of use, customization, and support.

Trying out multiple CRM software will help you compare and choose the perfect one for you.

If the software meets your business requirements, it’s easy to shift to a paid subscription. If not, you can always end the trial period and keep on trying other software.


As you can see, CRM plays a vital role in the real estate industry.

So if you’re looking for a great CRM, check out the 4 we listed. 

Of course, don’t forget about the tips on choosing a good CRM, too. 

With all this, you’ll be on your way to finding and using CRM software that will help you in your real estate business. 

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